Compute Environment

Compute Environment#

These tutorials can be run in any personal computing environment (e.g., desktop/laptops), on-premise solution (e.g., High-Performance Computing), or on the Cloud (e.g., Amazon Web Service).

The tutorials use Jupyterlab to run the scripts and print the results. JupyterLab is a web-based interactive development environment for notebooks, code, and data.

To install Jupyterlab with pip, run the following on the terminal:

pip install jupyterlab

Once installed, type the following in your terminal:

jupyter lab

The Jupyter notebooks can also be launched to external environments like Google’s Colab, MyBinder or other managed cloud environment like NASA Openscape 2i2c using “launch buttons”. The launch buttons can be accessed by clicking the rocket icon on the top-right corner of the Jupyter notebooks:

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