GitHub Account

GitHub Account#

You will need a GitHub account to contribute to this repository via pull requests or to access a JupyterHub environment such as NASA Openscape’s 2i2c.

This document will guide you through the steps of signing up for a free personal GitHub account.


Once you have a GitHub account, it is important to understand fundamental Git concepts. Familiarize yourself with Git by referring to this introductory guide and this handy cheatsheet.

This installation guide provides instructions on how to install Git in your system (Windows, Linux, or Mac) if it is not already installed.

GitHub Authentication#

There are several ways to authenticate your GitHub account. We will use a SSH authentication method.

  1. Generate a new SSH key: Open your terminal (or Git Bash on Windows) and run the following command:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  1. Copy the SSH key: Copy the contents of your SSH key file, located at ~/.ssh/, to your clipboard.

  2. Add the SSH Key to GitHub: Navigate to settings/keys on your GitHub and click the “New SSH Key” button. Provide a title for your key and paste the contents you copied in Step 2 into the key field. Click “Add SSH Key” to save.

You are now set up to use SSH for connecting to GitHub.

Git Clone#

To get started, clone this CMS data tutorials git repository by running the following command on your terminal (or Git bash in Windows):

git clone